Happy Monday! What a beautiful sunny day! That’s enough to make anybody have a happy day.
Here’s what’s happening this week:
Today, Monday, May 7th: Piano/Guitar Recital 2:00pm in the gym. Everyone is welcome.
Tuesday, May 8th: Grade 5 DARE Graduation 6:00pm Emerald Elementary Gym
NO PTO Meeting—Rescheduled for Tuesday, May 15th.
Wednesday, May 9th: Grades 2 & 3 to Wyman Nursery
Great Start Reading Program at the High School Public Library at 6:30pm.
Thursday, May 10th: School Mass at 9:00am Grade 8 participating.
Friday, May 11th: Kindergarten and Grade 1 will be tie dying.
Also, today an envelope was sent home with your child containing 5 raffle tickets for a Caribbean Cruise. Each ticket is $20.00. All monies received from this raffle will go into our School’s Annual Fund. The Annual Fund pays our teachers’ salaries, any day to day expenses, etc. .
Please try to sell all of your tickets. The drawing will be held on Friday, June 8th.
Don’t forget to send in your registration papers for the 2018-2019 school year. All families registered by this Friday, May 11th will be in a drawing for a $1,000 scholarship.
Any questions on anything, please give me an email back, stop by the office or call 341-5512.
Have a super duper week!