Second Grade
Hi! I'm Laurie McKinney, and this year I'll be teaching 2nd and 3rd grade here at SFDS with our student teacher, Sydny Peterson. I attended St. Francis from first through eighth grade as a student, and I have been a lifelong member of SFDS Parish. I am a graduate of Manistique High School and Northern Michigan University. My husband Dan and I have four children and four grandchildren! I am so excited to share my faith and classroom with your child. Feel free to stop by and visit. I love to read, garden, hike, and explore the Upper Peninsula. I am also a honey bee enthusiast with around 25,000 honey bees. If you have any questions, email is the best way to contact me, but you can also call, text, stop in, or send a note! God bless!
Mrs. McKinney2nd Grade Teacher
(906)341-5512 ext. 236 |