I hope everyone had a terrific weekend. This is what’s happening this week:
Monday, March 12th: Grades 5 & 8 will be taking the ACRE test.
Tuesday, March 13th: PTO Meeting 6:00pm in the Library. Please try to attend as this is a very important meeting as we are planning our annual Spring Carnival which will be held on SUNDAY, APRIL 15TH.
If our PTO meeting time is not working for you, please let us know what day and time would be better. We need you and your input. Your input is very important to us.
Thursday, March 15th: School Mass at 9:00am—Grade 8.
Friday, March 16th: Stations of the Cross at 9:40am in the church.
Friday, March 16th: Dress Down/Crazy Hat Day for CBC-Monetary Donation(American Cancer Society - Bay Cliff Health Camp – Community (Our local Good Neighbors Services)
All students and staff may dress down, and wear any type of cool, silly, crazy, etc. hat on FRIDAY, MARCH 16TH if they bring in a monetary donation for CBC.
All monies collected will be presented at CBC on Sunday, March 25th by our PRE-K3 and PRE-K4 Choir. Our choir is directed by Mrs. Ellen Walters &
Mrs. Cathy Rohde.
Spring Carnival: Please sign up to help at our annual Spring Carnival. Just call the office at 341-5512.
Cash Raffle tickets went home with your child. Please try to sell your tickets and return the stub and cash to the school office.
Have a good week everyone!